Overwhelmed & Under-Caffeinated: A Homestead Update

Overwhelmed? Same.

So, you may have noticed that Snarky Sprout has been a little…silent. Like, “Did she get eaten by a rogue raccoon?” silent. But no, I’m still here, just buried under a mountain of life, chaos, and probably a load of laundry that’s been “air drying” for three weeks and starting to mold.

Life on the homestead has been an absolute circus, but instead of trained acrobats and well-timed pyrotechnics, it’s mostly been unexpected problems, broken farm equipment, and an ever-growing to-do list that just sneers at me from across the room.

Let’s do a quick rundown of why I fell off the face of the internet:

Death, Taxes, and Chickens That Just Won’t Quit

First, my favorite chicken died, well, rooster. Now, if you’re not a farm person, you might not get it, but there are chickens and then there are CHICKENS—the ones with personality, sass, and an almost disturbing understanding of human emotions. Mine was the latter, and losing him felt like losing a tiny, feathered best friend who also happened to protect my breakfast.

Then, because apparently, grief likes to pile on like a bad soap opera plot twist, one of my best farm cats decided to check out too. There’s nothing quite like ugly crying while digging a hole in frozen ground to remind you that winter on the homestead is just one long, cruel joke. The kids are sad, I am sad, and some days there’s just not enough Kleenex.

The Homestead Hits Keep Coming

Oh, but wait—there’s more! The car broke down, because of course it did. The electric fireplace up and quit, because why would it not in -24F weather? Some inconsiderate asshole used our rental property as an ashtray- I get to go remodel that, AGAIN (can’t wait); and the kids have been sick in an endless, hellish rotation of snot, fevers, and tissues that somehow end up everywhere except the trash can. At one point, I walked into my kitchen, looked at the disaster, and seriously considered just setting it on fire and starting over.

Trying to Get Back on the Horse (Or at Least a Very Stubborn Goat)

So yeah, life went sideways for a while, and I did what any rational human does—I ghosted the internet, buried myself in caffeine, and stress-baked an obscene number of cookies and ate a few pans of brownies. But I miss this blog, I miss the chaos-sharing, and I miss all of you wonderful, slightly unhinged people who also think chickens are the best therapists.

So, consider this my grand return. The farm is still a mess, my life is still ridiculous, and I’m still probably one bad day away from panic-buying a herd of alpacas or at the very least, one miniature fuzzy cow. But hey, let’s embrace the chaos together, shall we?

How have you all been? What’s the latest ridiculous thing to happen on your homestead? Or, if you’re lucky enough to not live in the sticks, tell me something that’s gone completely off the rails in your life lately. Misery loves company.


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